01 49 35 30 00
01 49 35 30 00

Portraits in Majesty, Hyacinthe Rigaud Museum, Perpignan

With the exhibition "Portraits in Majesty", which LP Art has organized, the Hyacinthe Rigaud Museum in Perpignan is putting itself on Versailles' time.
Thanks to the exceptional partnership of the Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, this major exhibition presents from June 26 to November 7, 2021 more than a hundred works signed by the three French artists who, from Louis XIV to Louis XV, revolutionized the art of portraiture: François de Troy (1645-1730), Nicolas de Largillierre (1656-1746) and Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743).

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